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Financial Fitness in 2024: Budgeting and Saving Tips

Let's face it: our financial concerns are slightly different than they were in our 20s. Retirement looms, healthcare costs creep up, and those...

Assessing Your Assets

Most of us think of our personal assets as just “things” we’ve acquired over time. But in reality, they are more like valuable tools in a toolbox....

New Year's Resolutions: Staying Committed Year Round

Within the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne, the timeless song often sung just after the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, we raise our glasses to...

The Road Ahead

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The Magic of Christmas Traditions

When chestnuts are roasting and Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you know the holiday season is upon us. Perhaps your family doesn’t roast tree...

How to be a Time Management Whiz During this Busy Season

The holiday season is a time for joy, family, and celebration. But for many of us, it's also a time of immense stress. Between shopping, cooking,...

Managing Home Maintenance: Year-Round Checklists for a Well-Maintained Property

Ah, the joys of homeownership. Whether it’s your air conditioner quitting on you in the middle of the night or a lawn that doesn’t seem to stay...

Is Owning Your Home in Retirement Wise? Exploring the Pros and Cons

Picture this: you've finally reached retirement age, and you're standing at a crossroads. On the one hand, you could continue living in the home...

What kind of mortgage is right for you?

In 2022, $2.75 trillion worth of mortgages were originated. That is a substantial sum and with millions of mortgages taken out each year, it seems...

How Routines are Essential to Accomplishing Goals

Statistics show that routines are the secret weapon of high achievers in nearly every aspect of life. They provide structure, streamline...

How to Experience Positive Aging (8 Tips)

Is it possible to embrace the beauty of aging with open arms? Sounds fanciful, but it can be done by shifting the narrative and exploring the...

How much should you actually have in savings?

The amount of available information related to financial decision-making is overwhelming. Determining how much you should actually have in savings...

When travel insurance can go wrong

Imagine the excitement of planning your dream vacation after retiring, eagerly anticipating a journey filled with unforgettable experiences. You've...

10 most dangerous items you might have in your home

Your home is supposed to be a safe haven, but can also be full of hidden dangers. Many everyday household items can pose a serious risk to your...

How to Build Sustainable Wealth

Wealth is not about having a lot of money but having a lot of options. Even though accumulating wealth involves saving money, most of us are after...

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